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Education: Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, University of Washington, Seattle
Areas of Specialization: Multicultural Education and Teaching, Reading Instruction and Children’s, Literature, Collaborative Small Groups, Discussion Methods, Discourse Analysis, College Teaching
Office/Phone: EDU-B422/+886-3-8903844
Email: ysl@gms.ndhu.edu.tw

Education: Ph.D., National Taiwan Normal University(NTNU) Areas of Specialization: ICT integrated Teaching, Computer Education, Web-based Learning, Digital Teaching Design and Development Office/Phone: EDU-B407/+886-3-8903832 Email: liu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw Research Interests and Publications


Education: Ph.D., Institute of Education, National Chengchi University Areas of Specialization: Multiple intelligences, Teaching, Teacher education, Indigenous education Office/Phone: EDU-B423/+886-3-890-3846 Email: weiyu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw Research Interests and Publications

Education: Ph.D., Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University
Areas of Specialization: Educational Philosophy, Transpersonal Psychology, Aesthetics
Office/Phone: EDU-C214-2/+886-3-8903856
Email: leekang@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
Education: Ph.D., State University of New York, University at Albany New York, USA
Areas of Specialization: Developmental Psychology, Management of Emotion, Spiritual Development, Cognitive Psychology
Office/Phone: EDU-C214-3/+886-3-8903857
Email: cckao@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
Education: Ph.D. in Educational Technology, Purdue University, USA
Areas of Specialization: Learning Technology, Information Technology, Integrated Instruction,
E-Learning, Mobile Learning
Office/Phone: EDU-B410/+886-3-8903835
Email: mkao@gms.ndhu.edu.tw

Education: Ph.D., Institute of Education, National Chengchi University Areas of Specialization: Teaching and learning, E...


Education: PhD, Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University Areas of Specialization: Science educa...


Education: PhD, Graduate Institute of Science Education and Environmental Education, National Kaohsiung Normal Universit...


Education: Ph.D., National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Health Education Areas of Specialization: WHO CCCSP I...

Education: Ph.D., National Changhua University of Education
Areas of Specialization: Multicultural Science Education, Social Interaction in Classroom, Discourse Analysis, Earth Science Education
Office/Phone: EDU-B430/+886-3-890-3852
Email: clchiang@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
Education: PhD, Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University
Areas of Specialization: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Scientific text analysis, Scientific inquiry teaching, Data-mining of Corpus, AI and Science Learning
Office/Phone: EDU-B429/+886-3-8903853
Email: shiwen@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
Education: Ph.D., Institute of Education, National Chengchi University
Areas of Specialization: Teacher education, Multicultural education, Educational philosophy
Office/Phone: EDU- B412 / 886-3-8903847
Email: cwlee@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
Education: Ph.D., Educational Research Methodology, University of North Texas
Areas of Specialization: Educational Psychology, Teacher Professional Development, Gender Education
Office/Phone: EDU-B417/+886-3-890-3842
Email: achang@gms.ndhu.edu.tw